HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 (slovensko, english)

:slovenia: Slovensko

(English below)

V to temo spadajo osnovne informacije in vprašanja glede HackerTrain to FOSDEM.
(tale, prvi komentar bo posodobljen, če bo potrebno)

Kdo je povabljen?

Kdorkoli, ki gre na FOSDEM in bi šel z vlakom in bi se družil na vlaku z drugimi hekerji :slight_smile:

Je pa seveda najlažje, če nameravaš potovati s katerega od teh krajev: Ljubljana ↦ Praga ↦ Ústí nad Labem ↦ Děčin ↦ Bad Schandau ↦ Dresden ↦ Berlin ↦ Deventer ↦ Amersfoort ↦ Amsterdam ↦ Den Haag ↦ Rotterdam ↦ Roosendaal ↦ Antwerpen ↦ Bruselj

Ideja je, da se po trasi nabira čim več ljudi s podobnimi interesi, se imeli fino na poti in končali na FOSDEMu.

Deli povezavo do tega foruma s komurkoli, ki bi ga to zanimalo! (registracija na forum je odprta)

Kaj se bo dogajalo na vlaku?

Na nočnem vlaku od Prage do Bruslja 2025-01-28T17:02:00Z2025-01-29T08:27:00Z se bomo družili in bomo organizirali manjšo ne-konferenco.

Z European Sleeper smo zmenjeni, da se januarja javimo (specifično @hook) in uskladimo, da bodo sedeže/postelje/kupeje, ki smo jih najeli organizirali tako, da bomo čimbolj na kupu in se tako lahko lažje družili, in hkrati čimmanj motili druge potnike.

Na vlaku (ali vlakih) do Prage ne bo uradno nič organizirano, je pa seveda dobrodošlo, da se ljudje med seboj povežejo že takrat. Za ta namen je lahko v pomoč aplikacija/stran Traewelling.

Trasa, cene in kako kupit karto

European Sleeper pelje traso Praga — Bruselj celo leto, ob torkih, četrtkih in nedeljah.

  • SŽ v Prago
    • 110 — 240 € povratna (prvo: najcenejša opcija; drugo skupinski popust)
    • 05.23 pelje iz Ljubljane (via Jesenice: MV 318S, RJ 532, RJ 256) in pride 17.13 v Prago hl.n.
    • 05.00 pelje iz Ljubljane (via Maribor: IC 251, RJ 74) in pride 15.15 v Prago hl.n.; oz. če se prestop v Gradcu zalomi pride ob 17.20 v Prago hl.n. (RJ 256)
  • European Sleeper: Praga ↦ Ústí nad Labem ↦ Děčin ↦ Bad Schandau ↦ Dresden ↦ Berlin ↦ Deventer ↦ Amersfoort ↦ Amsterdam ↦ Den Haag ↦ Rotterdam ↦ Roosendaal ↦ Antwerpen ↦ Bruselj
    • sedež: 50 € v eno smer
    • ležalnik: 80 € v eno smer
    • spalnik: 140 € v eno smer
    • 18.02 pelje iz Prage in pride 09.27 v Bruselj naslednji dan

Nazaj grede pelje Bruselj — Praga celo leto, ob ponedeljkih, sredah in petkih.

  • European Sleeper: (isto v rikverc)
    • sedež: 60 € v eno smer
    • ležalnik: 90 € v eno smer
    • spalnik: 150 € v eno smer
    • 19.22 pelje iz Bruslja in pride 11.24 v Prago naslednji dan
  • SŽ iz Prage
    • 12.42 pelje iz Prage hl.n. (via Maribor: RJ 79, IC 250) in pride 01.01 v Ljubljano naslednji dan

Σ = 220 do 530 € – cena je odvisna od izbrane karte, seveda.

European Sleeper ma elektriko, ampak vzemi razdelilce.

Nočni vlak vsak si kupi karto sam prek te povezave: https://www.europeansleeper.eu/referral?referralCode=TRAINTOFOSDEM

  • 10% popusta
  • velja za potovanja na tej trasi od 27.1. do 9.2. 2025
  • (pozor: potovanje od doma do Prage in nazaj ni vključen v ta link!)

Kaj pa do Prage? Je dovolj časa?

Če gremo do Prage s SŽ isti dan, je časa za prestop samo 49’, kar je v trenutnem stanju na železnicah mogoče malo tvegano, da nam nočni vlak uide.

Zaradi tega smo se v Kiberpipa odločili, da gremo en dan prej v Prago, si tam malo ogledamo mesto, kak hackerspace in prespimo. Seveda lahko prideš do Prage ali katerekoli druge postaji na poti po svoje.

Nazaj grede je bolj časovno udobno in nimamo tega problema.

(Mimogrede: GoOpti ne pelje v Prago; FlixBus sicer pelje, ampak se trasa sliši zelo neudobno.)

Kdo to organizira in zakaj?

Ideja je brbotala po možganih več individuumov v LUGOS (Linux User Group of Slovenia) in Cyberpipe / Kiberpipa (meta)hackerspace, ampak letos smo se končno opogumili, da zadevo izvedemo.

Tega na delamo s profitnim namenom (tudi nič ne dobimo od referenčne povezave). Prav nasprotno: če ta projekt uspe, je dolgoročni cilj, da poskusimo prek donacij in mogoče sponzorstev preusmeriti sredstva tako, da bi omogočili potovanje na FOSDEM tudi tistim, ki si sicer potnih stroškov ne bi uspeli privoščiti.

Če potrebujete konkretno osebo za kontakt, je to lahko @hook (kontaktna stran).

:england: English

(slovensko zgoraj)

This is the official thread to get information and ask questions about the HackerTrain to FOSDEM
(this, first comment will be updated when needed)

Who is invited?

Everyone going to FOSDEM who would like to go by train and socialise with other hackers :slight_smile:

That said, this would be the easiest if you are planning to get on at any of the following: (Ljubljana ↦ ) Prague ↦ Ústí nad Labem ↦ Děčin ↦ Bad Schandau ↦ Dresden ↦ Berlin ↦ Deventer ↦ Amersfoort ↦ Amsterdam ↦ Den Haag ↦ Rotterdam ↦ Roosendaal ↦ Antwerpen ↦ Brussels

The idea is that we would gather people with similar interests along the way, have fun together and end up at FOSDEM.

Share the link to this forum topic with anyone who would be interested! (registration to the forum is open)

What will take place on the train?

On the night train from Prague to Brussels 2025-01-28T17:02:00Z2025-01-29T08:27:00Z we will have an informal social gathering and organise a smaller unconference.

With European Sleeper we have an agreement that in January we (specifically @hook’s task) sync up, so the seats/beds/compartments would be arranged in a way where we can best socialise, while also not disturbing the other passengers too much.

On the train(s) to Prague there are no official plans, but it is, of course, encouraged that people meet each other already there and then. The website/application Traewelling can be of assistance here.

Route, prices and how to book

European Sleeper operates the Prague — Brussels night train year-long, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

  • SŽ to Prague
    • 110 — 240 € return (first: cheapest; second: group ticket)
    • 05:23 departs Ljubljana (via Jesenice: MV 318S, RJ 532, RJ 256) and arrives 17:13 in Praha hl.n.
    • 05:00 departs Ljubljana (via Maribor: IC 151, RJ 74) and arrives 15:15 in Praha hl.n.; or if anything goes wrong with the transfer in Graz, arrives 17:20 in Prague hl.n (RJ 256)
  • European Sleeper: Prague ↦ Ústí nad Labem ↦ Děčin ↦ Bad Schandau ↦ Dresden ↦ Berlin ↦ Deventer ↦ Amersfoort ↦ Amsterdam ↦ Den Haag ↦ Rotterdam ↦ Roosendaal ↦ Antwerpen ↦ Brussels
    • seat: 50 € one way
    • couchette: 80 € one way
    • sleeper: 140 € one way
    • 18:02 departs Prague and arrives 09:27 in Brussels the next day

Return trip Brussels — Prague year-long, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

  • European Sleeper: (same, but in reverse)
    • seat: 60 € one way
    • couchette: 90 € one way
    • sleeper: 150 € one way
    • 19:22 departs Brussels and arrives 11:24 in Prague the next day
  • SŽ from Prague
    • 12:42 departs Praha hl.n. (via Maribor: RJ 79, IC 250) and arrives 01:01 in Ljubljana the next day

Σ = 220 to 530 € – total cost depends on the tickets chosen.

European Sleeper has power sockets, but bring power strips!

Booking link for the night train (everyone books for themselves): https://www.europeansleeper.eu/referral?referralCode=TRAINTOFOSDEM

  • 10% discount
  • valid for travel on this route from 27 Jan to 9 Feb 2025
  • (note: any trip from your home to Prague and back is not included in this link!)

What about Prague? Do we have enough time to transfer?

If we travel to Prague with SŽ on the same day, we only have 49’ to transfer, which given the current state of railways, is risky that we miss the night train.

This is why in Cyberpipe we decide to travel to Prague the day before, take a stroll through the city, perhaps see a hackerspace and sleep over. Of course, you are free to arrive to Prague or any other stop along the way however you wish.

The return trip is much more comfortable time-wise, so this problem is gone.

(BTW: GoOpti does not drive to Prague; FlixBus does, but the route sounds quite uncomfortable.)

Who is organising this and why?

The idea has been brewing in the minds of several individuals within LUGOS (Linux User Group of Slovenia) and its Cyberpipe / Kiberpipa (meta)hackerspace, but this year we got brave enough to actually try it.

We are not doing this for any financial gain (there is no kick-back on the referral link either). In fact, if this goes well, a long-term goal would be to try to pull in donations and perhaps sponsors, to reimburse those who would otherwise have trouble paying the full amount to travel to FOSDEM.

If you need a specific contact feel free to reach out to @hook (contact page).


FAQ :slovenia:

(sproti posodabljan)

Lahko rezerviram karkoli na tem vlaku?

Če uporabiš link https://www.europeansleeper.eu/referral?referralCode=TRAINTOFOSDEM za relacijo Praga — Bruselj (in/ali nazaj):

  • lahko izbereš katerikoli datume med 2025-01-26T23:00:00Z2025-02-08T23:00:00Z
  • lahko izbereš sedež, ležalnik ali spalnik (+ dodatke)
  • dobiš 10% popust na koncu, ko plačaš

Kaj pa če rabim ponoči malo več miru in tišine?

Kot tako rekoč na vsakem nočnem vlaku, obstajajo tudi bolj zasebne opcije:

  • za isto ceno lahko izbereš ležalnik ali spalnik »samo za ženske«
  • če ste skupinica in plačate malo več lahko rezervirate cel ležalnik za 5 ljudi (namesto 6) in tako pridobite malo več prostora in udobja
  • za še več miru in udobja, lahko rezerviraš spalnik – lahko rezerviraš takega za 3, 2 ali celo osamo 1 osebo

Poskusili se bomo organizirati tako, da ne bomo motili tistih, ki bi radi malo miru in spanca in držali (minimalen) hrup skoncentriran na enem koncu.


A ne obstaja boljša povezava?

Naslednje leto je možnost, da gremo z nočnim vlakom z Benetk v Bruselj. 2025 pač tako izpade, da je FOSDEM ravno par dni prezgodaj za to opcijo.

A ni ceneje z avionom?

Tri mesece prej naročen direkten let iz Ljubljane, GoOpti iz centra do Brnika in potem še vlak z letališča v Bruslju v center, pride skupaj 230 €.

Kar pa InterRail?

InterRail ima za 4 potovalne dni v enem mesecu kar ugodno ceno (280 €). Samo traso je treba vseeno splanirat in pa rezervacije ter ležalnike/spalnike uredit in plačat.

Kaj pa najem celotnega vlaka?

Je možen, ampak malo drago zaenkrat. :wink:

Npr. pri SŽ bi bila cena prevoza posebnega vlaka – torej povratna direktna trasa Ljubljana — Bruselj – v sestavi 4 sedežnih vagonov (kapaciteta vlaka – 228 sedežev), bi znašala cca. 96 K €. To pride, pri polni zasedenosti cca. 420 € po glavi. Na žalost ima ta vlak samo sedeže in nima vtičnic za elektriko.

FAQ :england:

(will be updated accordingly)

Can I book anything on this train?

If you use the link https://www.europeansleeper.eu/referral?referralCode=TRAINTOFOSDEM to book your travel on the relation Prague—Brussels (and/or back):

  • you can choose any dates between 2025-01-26T23:00:00Z2025-02-08T23:00:00Z
  • you can choose a seat, couchette, or sleeper (+ options)
  • you obtain a 10% discount at the end, when you pay

What about if I need some privacy / peace at night?

As on basically every night train, there are more private options available:

  • for the same price you can choose a “female only” couchette or sleeper
  • if you have a group you can pay a bit more and reserve a whole couchette for 5 persons (instead of 6), making it a bit more comfortable
  • if you need even more quiet and comfort, you can grab a sleeper cabin – those have options for 3, 2 or even just 1 person

We will try to organise so not to disturb the ones who need some quiet and sleep and keep the (minimal needed) noise concentrated in one spot.


Is there no better connection?

Next year we could take the night train from Venice to Brussels. 2025 just happens to be a year where FOSDEM is just a few days too early for this option.

What about InterRail?

InterRail offers a pretty good price (280 €) for a ticket that covers 4 travel days in a month. You still need to plan the route and book (and pay) any reservations and couchettes/sleepers in addition to that.

What about chartering the whole train?

It is entirely possible, but a bit outside our budget, for now. :wink:

E.g. at SŽ the price to book a special train – i.e. direct return trip Ljubljana—Brussels – comprising 4 coaches (capacity: 228 seats) would be about 96 K €. Which if we fill all seats amount to cca. 420 € per person. Unfortunately this train has only seats and does not have power plugs.

:slovenia: Kdaj naj imamo uraden HackerTrain vlak s Prage v Bruselj?

To je tisti vlak na katerem bomo imeli ne-konferenco.

Prosim, upoštevaj FOSDEM Fringe events dogodke, na katere želiš it!

:england: When to have the official HackerTrain from Prague to Brussels?

This would be the train on which we would organise the unconference.

Please take into account any FOSDEM Fringe events you want to participate in as well!

  • 2025-01-26T17:02:00Z2025-01-27T08:27:00Z
  • 2025-01-28T17:02:00Z2025-01-29T08:27:00Z
  • 2025-01-30T17:02:00Z2025-01-31T08:27:00Z

0 glasovalci

:england: Note:

  • you can still get the discount if you travel on a different day within the promo date range
  • on the way back we expect everyone to be tired and thus (apart from the discount) there is nothing specifically planned

:slovenia: Opombe:

  • še vedno dobiš popust na vlak če potuješ sam kak drug dan, dokler je znotraj terminov za katere velja koda
  • nazaj grede domnevamo, da bomo vsi precej trudni in zato ni ničesar specifično urejenega (razen popusta)

:slovenia: Iz Ljubljane bi šel v Prago

  • Dva dni prej
  • En dan prej
  • Tvegam, da grem isti dan

0 glasovalci

Vprašanje je relevantno, ker če potujemo z vlakom iz Ljubljane isti dan, imamo v Pragi samo 49 minut za prestop – kar pa je relativno malo in se lahko kaj zalomi in zamudimo nočni vlak.

Predlog bi bil, da gremo kak dan (ali dva) prej in potem malo po Pragi poturistiramo, po možnosti obiščemo kak hackerspace, in v miru potujemo naprej.

Plus: obiskat še eno mesto, spoznat več ljudi.

Minus: dodatni stroški in še en dan (ali dva) več potovanja.

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:slovenia: Datumi so znani – kupi karto in začni deliti naokoli!

Glasovanja je konec. Datumi so izbrani.

Glavnina Kiberpipe gre v Prago z vlakom 27. januarja in bo prespala v Pragi.

HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 je torej:
Praga ↦ Bruselj

Karto za nočni vlak Praga – Bruselj lahko kupite na tej povezavi: Home | European Sleeper

Zdaj ko sta trasa in datum znana, lahko delite povezavo z vsemi, ki bi jih zanimalo!

Če imaš predlog katere skupine naj se povabi, ali pa bi pri tem rad pomagal(a), za lažjo koordinacijo, uporabi ta kolaborativen dokument.

:england: Dates are set – start booking and sharing!

The voting is stopped. The date are set.

(The majority of Cyberpipe will be going to Prague by train on 27 January and sleep over there.)

HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 is therefore:
Prague ↦ Brussels

You can start booking the Prague—Brussels night train using this link: Home | European Sleeper

Now that the route and date are known, you can share this with anyone who would be interested!

If you have a suggestion which group(s) to invite or you would like to help with inviting, please use this collaborative document to coordinate.

temporary forum administration notification (irrelevant now) / začasno sporočilo glede administracije foruma (ni več pomembno)

:england: Account creation issues fixed! :construction:

We have been made aware that there is an issue with account creation on this forum – the activation e-mails are not being sent.

We are working on fixing the issue and apologise for the mishap. :bowing_man:

Problem solved (thanks to @sasa_friedrich!). Just in case, I triggered the (re-)sending of the activation e-mail for all accounts who were registered, but not yet activated. If you received more than one activation mail, I apologise for the inconvenience. Just use the latest one.

:slovenia: Problem z ustvarjanjem računa odpravjlen! :construction:

Zvedeli smo, da obstaja problem pri ustvarjanju računov – sistem ne pošlje aktivacijskega e-maila.

Delamo na rešitvi in se opravičujemo za nevšečnost. :bowing_man:

Problem je rešen (hvala, @sasa_friedrich!). Za vsak slučaj sem vsem, ki so se registriral, pa še ne aktiviral, sprožil še en aktivacijski mejl. Če dobite več kot enega, se opravičujem za nevšečnost. Uporabi ta zadnjega.

:slovenia: Hostel v Pragi?

Glede na to, da nas gre ene par v Prago en dan prej in bomo skupaj dolgo časa na poti že do Prage, potem pa še celo noč naprej do Bruslja, se bomo kar dobro (s)poznali.

Tako bi bilo mogoče cenovno in časovno smotrno, da skupaj rezerviramo eno sobo za vse v hostlu.

Nimam še ničesar ugledanega, ampak na hitro pogledano, bi soba za 4-8 oseb (z deljeno kopalnio) stala cca. 30-40 € po glavi.

Kdor je zainteresiran naj :heart: (všečkaj) tole sporočilo (ali se mi drugače javi), pa pogledam kaj so opcije. Če ima kdo kak predlog, pa kar na dan z njim!

:england: Hostel in Prague?

This is likely not as relevant for our international guests, but on the off chance anyone finds it useful …

The Cyberpipe/LUGOS crew and some others from Slovenia will be arriving to Prague a day early. As we will be quite close to each other already on the long (night) train trip, we are thinking of saving some money and booking a shared room in a hostel in Prague for that night.

In case you are interested :heart: (like) this message (or notify me otherwise). If you have suggestions for hostels, even better!

Thanks for this initiative!

I have booked my tickets earlier already, traveling with 4 friends attending FOSDEM. We will take the following trains:

  • 30th to 31st January, Berlin to Brussels
  • 3rd to 4th February, Brussels to Berlin

Looking forward to meeting many of you on the trains :slight_smile:

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Personally, I will be travelling back with the 3-4 Feb train as well, happy to sync up!

Regarding the trip to Brussels, the official HackerTrain unconference will take place on the 28-29 Jan, but I imagine many will take the 30-31 Jan train. So, please feel free to use this forum thread to organise anything on that trip.

If there will be a substantial group of people, I can ask European Sleepers if it’s possible to defragment the hackers to be in one part of the train, so the discussions can be easier (and we don’t disturb the other passengers).

Worth noting: there is currently a flash sale on the Venice-Brussels route of European Sleeper. Could be useful for folks from Austria, Italy or Slovenia :slight_smile:

The problem with the Venice line is that it starts 5 Feb, which - this year, at least - is a few days after FOSDEM.

But for next year that is definitely an option to consider.

:slovenia: Vlak v Prago (in hostel): spremembe

Danes sem bil na SŽ in kupil še povratno karto za Prago (110 € skupaj).

Malo se je vozni red spremenil, večinoma v našo korist. (Sem tudi že popravil v prvi objavi.)

In sicer je najbolj časovno sigurna opcija za v Prago tale (jaz grem 27.1., ampak pelje vsak dan):

  • (IC 251) 05.00 Ljubljana ↦ Trbovlje ↦ Zidani Most ↦ Laško ↦ Celje ↦ Pragersko ↦ Maribor ↦ Špilje (Spielfeld-Straß) ↦ Leibnitz ↦ Gradec (Graz Hbf) 08.22
  • (RJ 74) 08.26 Gradec (Graz Hbf) ↦ Bruck an der Mur ↦ Kapfenberg ↦ Mürzzuschlag ↦ Semmering ↦ Wiener Neustadt Hbf ↦ Wien Hbf ↦ Breclav ↦ Brno hl.n ↦ Ceska Trebova ↦ Pardubice hl.n. Praga hl.n. (Praha hl.n.) 15.15
    • oz. če se prestop v Gradcu zalomi, gremo ob 10.26 na (RJ 256) z isto traso, ki pride v Prago hl.n. 17.20

In za iz Prage nazaj tale (jaz grem 4.2., ampak pelje vsak dan):

  • 12.42 pelje iz Prage hl.n. (via Maribor: RJ 79, IC 250) in pride 01.01 v Ljubljano naslednji dan po isti trasi, le rikverc
    • oz. če slučajno nočni vlak pride v Prago z več kot 1h15’ zamude, gremo lahko ob 14.42 na (RJ 371) z isto traso in v Gradcu hitro lovimo vlak, ker je le 5’ za prestopit

Do zdaj se še nihče ni javil, da bi si delil sobo v hostlu – tako, da je to ponovni poziv :slight_smile:

Zaenkrat gledam tole, če bi še koga zanimalo, da se v isto sobo spravimo:

:england: Train to Prague (and hostel): changes

I was at SŽ today and bought my return ticket to Prague too (110 € total).

The train schedule has changed slightly, mostly in our favour. (I already corrected it in the first post.)

Namely, time-wise the most safe option to Prague is as follows (I am travelling on the 27 Jan, but it drives daily):

  • (IC 251) 05:00 Ljubljana ↦ Trbovlje ↦ Zidani Most ↦ Laško ↦ Celje ↦ Pragersko ↦ Maribor ↦ Spielfeld-Straß) ↦ Leibnitz ↦ Graz Hbf 08:22
  • (RJ 74) 08:26 Graz Hbf ↦ Bruck an der Mur ↦ Kapfenberg ↦ Mürzzuschlag ↦ Semmering ↦ Wiener Neustadt Hbf ↦ Wien Hbf ↦ Breclav ↦ Brno hl.n ↦ Ceska Trebova ↦ Pardubice hl.n. Prague hl.n. (Praha hl.n.) 15:15
    • alternatively, if anything goes wrong with the transfer in Graz, we can take the 10:26 train (RJ 256) on the same route, which arrives in Prague hl.n. 17:20

And then from Prague back as follows (I am going on the 4 Feb, but it drives daily):

  • 12:42 it leaves Prague hl.n. (via Maribor: RJ 79, IC 250) and arrives 01:01 in Ljubljano the next day, following the same route, only backwards
    • alternatively, if by a chance the night train arrives to Prague more than 1h15’ late, we can take the 14:42 train (RJ 371) in Graz and follow the same route; but we need to be fast in Graz, as there is only 5’ to transfer there

So far nobody raised their voice that they would like to share a hostel room in Prague, so this is a gentle reminder :slight_smile:

For now I am looking at this. If anyone would be interested, we can coordinate, so we share a room between us hackers instead of total strangers: