Datumi so znani – kupi karto in začni deliti naokoli!
Glasovanja je konec. Datumi so izbrani.
Glavnina Kiberpipe gre v Prago z vlakom 27. januarja in bo prespala v Pragi.
HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 je torej:
Praga ↦ Bruselj
Karto za nočni vlak Praga – Bruselj lahko kupite na tej povezavi: Home | European Sleeper
Zdaj ko sta trasa in datum znana, lahko delite povezavo z vsemi, ki bi jih zanimalo!
Če imaš predlog katere skupine naj se povabi, ali pa bi pri tem rad pomagal(a), za lažjo koordinacijo, uporabi ta kolaborativen dokument.
Dates are set – start booking and sharing!
The voting is stopped. The date are set.
(The majority of Cyberpipe will be going to Prague by train on 27 January and sleep over there.)
HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 is therefore:
Prague ↦ Brussels
You can start booking the Prague—Brussels night train using this link: Home | European Sleeper
Now that the route and date are known, you can share this with anyone who would be interested!
If you have a suggestion which group(s) to invite or you would like to help with inviting, please use this collaborative document to coordinate.